AVIVA-Berlin >
Jüdisches Leben
AVIVA-BERLIN.de 5/23/5785 -
Beitrag vom 14.07.2006
Diversities - Bet Debora in Budapest
Sarah Ross
Vom 23.-27. August 2006 findet an der Central European University in Budapest die vierte Konferenz europäischer jüdischer Frauen, Aktivistinnen, Akademikerinnen und Rabbinerinnen statt.
Im Folgenden informiert AVIVA-Berlin Sie über das Programm der 4. Konferenz von Bet Deborah, die in diesem Jahr Ende August an der Central European University in Budapest durchgeführt wird.
4th Conference of the European Jewish Women, Activists, Academics, and Rabbis
When: 23-27 August, 2006
Where: Central European University, 1051-Budapest Nádor 9
23 August, Wednesday
Optional excursions
1. Visit at Szarvas (own cost, bus rent), see: www.szarvastabor.hu
2. Visiting Synagogue of Mád, North Hungary and the local Jewish community (own cost, bus rent) and University of Miskolc
Official Program begins
Afternoon: Official Opening at CEU (1051-Budapest Nádor 9)
Speaker: Alice Shalvi: "Remembering the past, living the present, preparing the future."
Room István György Tóth
Exhibitions, Reception - Music: Klezmer R`s
24 August, Thursday
Key note speaker: Shulamit Reinharz
Room István György Tóth
Inter-religious and inter-cultural dialog session (Shulamit Reinharz, Debra Schultz, Alice Shalvi, Marina Calloni)
Chair: Eleonore Lappin
Room István György Tóth
Coffee break
Panel meetings:
1. Book presentation (Sandra Lustig, Ewa Mlodawska, Moshe Shalvi: Encyclopedia of Jewish Women, Mira Mayer: Bulgarian Society for Racism and anti-Semitism, Eleonore Lappin: Jewish Press)
Chair: Judit Gazsi
Room Gellner
2. Historical traditions (Elisa Klapheck, Dr. Shira Koren, Esther Jonas-Maertin, Dona Danon)
Chair: Andrea Sturovics
Room István György Tóth
Panel meetings:
Female Jewish Activists and discussion on volunteering
(Lara Dämmig, Toby Axelrod)
Chairs: Sandra Lustig and Eszter Lányi
Room Gellner2. Transforming traditions (Emily Silverman, Valérie Rhein, Chia Longman, Esther Kontarsky)
Chair: Katalin Kelemen
Room István György Tóth
Coffee break in Bálint House, see: www.jcc.hu/2006/index_html
Evening session: Introduction of the Hungarian Jewish cultural life
Dinner in Bálint House
Cultural event in Bálint House
Chair: Vera Surányi
25 August, Friday:
Report from Eastern Europe I. (Marine Solomoshvili, Solmaz Yosifova, Tania Reytan-Marincheshka, Erzsébet Simon - WIZO, Ewa Mlodawska, Mira Mayer, Ágnes Peresztegi)
Setting up mailing list, Networking, Planning next conference
Chair: Lara Dämmig /Ágnes Peresztegi
Room István György Tóth
Coffee Break
Press conference
Report from Eastern Europe II. (Marine Solomoshvili, Solmaz Yosifova, Tania Reytan-Marincheshka, Erzsébet Simon - WIZO, Ewa Mlodawska, Mira Mayer, Ágnes Peresztegi)
Setting up mailing list, Networking, Planning next conference
Chair: Lara Dämmig/ Ágnes Peresztegi
Room István György Tóth
12.30-13.30 Lunch
Panel meetings:
1. Education (Alice Shalvi, Katalin Pécsi, 2 participants from East Europe)
Chair: Zsuzsa Fritz
Room István György Tóth
2. Psychology, Trauma (Judit Wirth, Judit Herman)
Chair: Éva Földvari
Room Gellner
Coffee Break
Session: Jewish women in historical perspectives Shulamit Reinharz, Eleonore Lappin, Dóra Sárdi / Eszter Andor (www.centropa.org)
Chair: Andrea Peto
Room István György Tóth
Sabbath service at CEU Dormitory (Sim Shalom Katalin Kelemen and WIZO Hungary)
26 August Saturday
Evening event: CEU Dormitory
Presentation of new Hungarian spice boxes
Chair: Zsuzsa Toronyi
Film showing: "Promised Land" by Tanya Ury
27 August Sunday
Beginning of Jewish Cultural Festival www.jewishfestival.hu
Tickets for the Concert in the Synagogue
Parallel events:
Exhibition on History of Hungarian Jewish Women - double emancipation
Photo Exhibition - The 1st, 2nd and 3rd Bet Debora conferences - photos by Silke Helmerdig and Malin Kundi
Book lunch: Ester`s Bag: Untold stories
Side Events during the conference (own cost):
Excursion in Jewish Budapest (Jewish Museum, Jewish District, Synagogue)
www.bpjewmus.hu and www.zsido.hu
Visit at the Holocaust Documentation Centre www.hdke.hu
One- day excursion to Jewish Sites to Budapest
During the conference, the Jewish Festival will also taking place in Budapest (27. August-3. September 2006). For more information about the festival, see: jewishfestival.hu.
Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie auch unter: www.esztertaska.eu