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Beitrag vom 20.03.2008
Gender, Memory and Judaism. Judit Gazi, Andrea Peto and Zsuzsanna Toronyi
This collection of essays, recently released within the series of "Studien zur Geschichte Ost- und Ostmitteleuropas", grew out of the conference on "Diversities" of Bet Debora in Budapest.
Judit Gazi, Andrea Peto and Zsuzsanna Toronyi are the editors of "Gender, Memory and Judaism", which is a collection of essays in the field of Jewish women´s Studies dealing with aspects like tradition, the question of gender and religion as well as gendered remembering.
These contributions were born from the conference "Diversities" of Bet Debora in Budapest. It was the 4th Conference of the European Jewish Women, Activists, Academics, and Rabbis at the Central European University, Budapest, coming from Israel, US, Hungary, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, and France. They gave an historical overview of how European Jewish woman are negotiating with practices in everyday life. While doing so, the authors are oscilliating between religion and modernity, orthodoxy and employment, political engagement and religious laws.
The book offers an analyses of the factors shaping the gendered remembering of Ms. Meller, Fanny von Arnstein, Hilde Spiel, Edit Jelena Kon, Manya Wilbushewitz Shohat, Johanna Bischitz, Ilka Ged and the first generation of Hungarian feminists and female psychoanalysts. It is also an essential reading for academics and students of Jewish Studies, History, Gender Studies.
Table of Contents:
Part One: Traditions Now
Alice Shalvi: Remembering the Past, living the present, planning the future,
Lara Dämmig, Bet Debora: Voluntary Work and Jewish Renewal. Observations on the Situation in Germany
Andrea Petö: Esther and her Bag,
Part Two: Gender and Religion
Esther Jonas-Märtin: The Meaning of Israel in Yiddish Poetry
Valérie Rhein: Does Halakhah Allow Women to Read from the Torah and to Be Called to the Torah?
Chia Longman: Life stories of the personal, professional and political: Orthodox Jewish women negotiating work and home
Part Three: Gendered Remembering
Eleonore Lappin: Fanny von Arnstein and her biographer Hilde Spiel
Jelena Kon: Edit Jankov
Andrea Petö: An untold story about the Feminist Association
Shulamit Reinharz: Finding our/my History: The Case of Manya Wilbushewitz Shohat
Julia Richers: Johanna Bischitz, Katalin Gero and Budapest´s Jewish Women´s Association (1866-1943)
István Hajdu: The Work of Ilka Ged (1921-1985)
Borbála Juhász: The Female Progressive Workshop of – An Attempt at a Collective Biography
Anna Borgos: "You´re the exception" The first Jewish Women psychoanalysts
Miklós Konrád: The Jewish Woman as an Allegory. The portrayal of Jewish women in Hungarian literature at the Turn of the century.
"Gender, Memory and Judaism" is an illuminating and enjoyable book for scholars and students, but also for those, who are generally interested in the lives and culture of Jewish women.
Gender, Memory and Judaism
Hrsg. von Judit Gazsi, Andrea Petö und Zsuzsanna Toronyi
Studien zur Geschichte Ost- und Ostmitteleuropas, Bd. 6
Gabriele Schäfer Verlag, erschienen Januar 2008
Paperback, 13x20 cm, 258 Seiten, 36 Fotos
ISBN 978-3-933337-55-9
25,00 Euro